Saturday, March 23, 2013

The e-petition on the council website

Many people have been having a problem signing the e-petition on the council website.

The problem is with the council website and I am writing to Mayor Anderson to ask him to get it fixed ( while drawing attention to the more than 500 people who have signed).

Our friend Paul Slater has written these useful instructions that should help you to sign it quicker..

   to sign the e-petition, another way of doing it, is to:-
  (1)  Go onto the city council website (,
  (2)  Then in the 'Enter Search Text' box, in the top right hand corner, type in 'petitions', and press enter.
  (3)  'Current e petitions' is at the top of the list.  Click on this, and a list of the current e-petitions is presented.
  (4)  Click on the petition, that you wish to sign.
  (5)  Read through the text, to make sure you have the correct e-petition.  Be very careful, as a bogus e-petition called 'The Meadowlands' has been set up.  This actually supports the sale, and development of the site.  The one for objecting, is called 'Sale of land at Park Avenue'.
  (6)  Click onto 'Log in or Register, and sign the e-petition'.
  (7)  If you have never signed an e-petition, on this site before, you will have to register as a new user.  To do this, click on to register as a new user, and follow the instructions.  You will have to provide an e-mail address, and a password (specific for accessing the e-petitions site).
  (8)  Once registered, the e-petition can be signed.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and relevant article about the relevance of green spaces in our cities
