Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Save Sefton Park Meadows

This blog is to provide information about the campaign to Save Sefton Park Meadows.

Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson is recommending that Liverpool City Council sells off a rare piece of Green land near to Liverpool City Centre to a developer for luxury Housing.

The land known as Sefton Park Meadows comprises of 2 fields bounded by trees adjacent to the end of Queens Drive, Park Avenue,  Mossley Hill Drive and Carnatic Road. See Map and Satellite image.

The plans were announced as an agenda item to be discussed by Liverpool City Council Cabinet on Friday 22nd March 2013. The agenda was published on March 14th. The Cabinet could agree to go ahead with the sale if one of Greenbank Councillors does not call the item in - in which case it will go to the Regeneration Select Committee meeting on 5th April 2013.

Cabinet meeting is here: http://councillors.liverpool.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=1201&MId=12694

And the report is here:

It is important to protest against the sale of this land before it is too late.


  1. you have tons of run down empty properties in your city, leave the green areas be!

  2. If we lose this, what will they sell next. Any land nr you MR ANDERSON. Wonder how you would feel then.

  3. MR ANDERSON recommends. hmmmm i wonder how much he will be making off this little scheme ??
